Thursday, May 30, 2013

FLAME Homeschool Co-op First Summer Picnic - Come out and Share!

Hello everyone!

We wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the carnival/end of the year program. I think it's safe to say that it was a lot of fun!!! :) I enjoyed seeing what everyone did in the classes throughout the year. A special thanks to all the teachers and helpers who made it possible!!

The money raised at the carnival totaled $200, which we have two families in our group in need, so we split it evenly. It wasn't a large sum of money, but I know from experience, every little bit helps! I hope that we could bless those two families! Thanks for participating in the carnival and making that possible (TEENS included-you helped Greatly!!)!!!

(Google the Osolo Library Elkhart it will show-up on the map.). 

Don't forget extra water and sunscreen.

Please be thinking about what you would like to teach for the fall semester. We would like to start discussing classes!

Thanks! See you then!


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